How to Convince Someone That Recycling is the Right Idea

Even when faced with all the benefits trash and recycling services in College Station, TX could bring, there's still may be some more old-fashioned holdouts that believe recycling is a waste of time and energy.

2016-05-18T08:00:50+00:00May 18th, 2016|

How to Recycle Old Computers and Computer Parts

Most modern households generate quite a bit of electronic waste. You have computers that have gotten old or computers that broke. You have old monitors. Old phones, old modems, old printers. Instead of throwing things out and buying new ones, as most people do, you can reuse your old computer [...]

2015-08-31T12:56:52+00:00August 31st, 2015|

Fun and Unusual Ways to Recycle Household Items

Sometimes reusing items in the house isn't about saving money or helping the environment: sometimes it's just pure fun. Coming up with new ways to use old things is a creative process that can be a real blast. Especially when it works! You'll have something real that you can touch [...]

2015-08-19T13:03:46+00:00August 19th, 2015|

Creative Ways to Reuse Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are one of the biggest perpetrators of environmental harm. Every year, 380 billion (with a "b") are consumed in the United States alone. Global estimates put the number of plastic bags used every year at almost a trillion bags. In other words, approximately one million plastic bags are [...]

2015-05-15T07:14:12+00:00May 15th, 2015|

Fishermen Paid to Fish for Plastic, Not Fish

A news item on Plastics News ( I read it-doesn’t everybody?) announced that the European Union has developed a plan to pay fishing vessels hard cash for catching ocean going plastics instead of ocean bound fish. The EU Commissioner for fisheries, Maria Damanaki, will soon unveil the plan as an [...]

2014-02-27T04:45:46+00:00February 27th, 2014|
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